"Just keep swimming"

"Just keep swimming"

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Welcome to my Blog about my life as a Swimmer/Student. My name is Zoe Peak! This is a part of a school project I am doing at Henderson State University as a part of my Education Technology class. I was thrilled to have been given this assignment because it gives me the ability to extend my daily life as a student athlete. Therefore the name (The Daily Swimmer) seemed appropriate. I would like all of my readers to know a little bit about me. I was born in Jacksonville, Florida then moved at least Five times all over the east coast by the time I entered middle school my family finally settled in Texas. I am proud to call Texas my home state because I have lived there longer than any other place and everything is bigger and better in Texas. I am currently a student at Henderson State University and plan on graduating with my Social Sciences Education bachelors degree in about 2017. I have been swimming competitively for about four years now. But in the swimming world year round swimming is the only thing that really counts and I've only been doing that since my the beginning of my junior year of high school. Before joining the crazy world of Club swimming I had competed for my small local summer league team. When I out grew the tiny city pool of Commerce, Texas I was ready to move on to bigger things and that is when I joined R.A.C.E in Rock wall ,Texas which required a 45 minute drive to and from practice everyday. But with out that experience I would have never gotten the opportunity to move on to compete collegiality for Henderson State University in Arkadephia, Arkansas. So with all that said that leads me to where I am now Studying, Swimming, and Surviving the crazy swim world.


  1. Texas is the best state in the world! I've lived there my whole entire life until college. It was so hard to leave but I go back every chance I get!

  2. It's good to have someone in the class I can easily relate to by being students-athletes. I know exactly how those long summers go and early mornings of being a freshman athlete here at HSU! I wish you all the luck!!
